what my clients say

Eve is an exceptionally caring person who truly embodies love and light. She listens attentively and has helped reopen doors I thought were closed, facilitating healing in a calm and compassionate manner. Her dedication goes beyond our sessions; she is thorough in her follow-ups and provides personal recordings that have been invaluable to my healing journey. She offers not just professional expertise but heartfelt support, making a profound impact on my path to new beginnings.

Céline, 46

I love the recording. Your voice sounds like the female version of Dr. Joe Dispenza and now I also listen to it every morning and treat your recording as my morning meditation. I am eating so much less food - a third of what I used to eat!! Thank you so much, Eve. You are very easy to connect with.

Ella, 43

What a soul-healing journey! I couldn't imagine a better introduction to hypnotherapy than with Eve’s kind and caring voice guiding me through my first experience! It was so much more approachable and effortless than I expected. Truly life-changing to visualise and experience hidden memories that revealed the fears and traumas of my inner child. Was mind-blowing to experience what my subconscious mind was still dealing with. It finally feels possible to draw the dots between pivotal moments that were seemingly isolated. Thank you for my personalized transformational recording too, a great listen to clear my mind while drifting into sleep <3

Anna, 34

I recently had the privilege of working with Eve through RTT, and the experience has been truly transformative. The personalised approach she provided felt bespoke and tailored to my needs. I felt truly heard and understood as Eve patiently advised and through layers of emotions with me. This individualised attention has led to significant improvements in my day-to-day well-being. I continue to listen to the recording from our sessions, and the incredible shift I’ve experienced is a testament to her dedication and expertise. Eve has gone above and beyond in her expertise, support and guidance. Thank you, Eve, for your exceptional care and transformative impact!

Aurelie, 29


Sarah, 59

I am 100% delighted with my decision to do a session with Eve. She was so patient, calm and understanding throughout, which really helped me relax and get the most out of the session.It really was a great experience. I learned a lot about myself and feel changes happening daily in my thoughts and behaviours.I feel Eve has helped open doors that have been shut for many years.Thank you Eve, You really are wonderful!

Jenny, 52

Eve has such a warm, friendly and approachable energy that makes you feel very at ease to be vulnerable and dive into sharing about whatever aspect of you that you’re looking to tackle or overcome, which I think is absolutely essential for this kind of deep work. During my session, I felt safe to revisit some deeply stored emotions from childhood and experienced a big release. After the session, I could clearly see the impact of what we worked on together and the manifestation of my desired outcome. I love that she gives you a recording to listen to after to continue on and help cement in the reprogramming process. You can tell how much Eve cares about you and the work that she does throughout the whole process including the post-session follow-ups. Thank you Eve!!

Lena, 31

I'm very thankful for Eve her help, listening and caring during the sessions. I felt very much understood since the beginning of our session, and she proved it even more in the next session. The recording and support she gave me is immensely valuable to me and is really starting to change my life. I am immensely grateful! Thank you 😉

Bart, 27
The Netherlands

Eve held a safe space for me and put me at ease straight away. She asked powerful questions, resulting in some great insights, that have helped me to move forward. I am beginning to change my relationship with alcohol as a result of the session I had with Eve and listening to her recording, and feel better for it! I would certainly recommend Eve to anyone looking to work on an issue that is holding them back from realising their full potential.

Clarisa, 46

Before my session with Eve I used to have a love-hate relationship with food ... and myself. The vicious cycle of "binge eating - hating myself - feeling guilty - binge eating again because what's the point in even trying" was interrupted by Eve's skilful and compassionate support as my therapist. In just one session she helped me manage my compulsive eating and my addiction to sugar. Few days after our session I went on a holiday which typically gets me in trouble with food. Just not this time! This time I was completely in control of what I eat, how much, and when. And I'm loving this new empowerment that boosts my self-esteem not only because of the visible changes in my physique, but mainly because I regained My Power. I feel so proud of myself and so liberated! Thank you, Eve for your professionalism and the big impact you've had on my life. RTT does feel like a magic when working with you!

Stefka, 36

Eve is a wonderful therapist. Just 2 weeks after my RTT session I noticed a huge difference in my level of confidence. I had no issues walking into a group meeting alone and mingling with everyone, making new friends and I have managed to start taking on clients for my business. Networking, both personally and professionally is something I have always struggled with due to shyness and lack of confidence but after working with Eve I have seen a huge shift, it truly is transformational.

Lucy, 46

I recently had the pleasure to experience hypnotherapy with Eve. This is my first experience with this type of therapy and I am very pleased that it was with Eve. I felt at ease, and the noticeable positive changes began from day one. Her professional yet warm demeanour, deep understanding of the mind-body-soul connection, and tailored approach created a safe, supportive environment that facilitated profound personal growth and healing. I am forever thankful for this opportunity and highly recommend Eve for any issues you might be facing right now.

Suelen, 36

Thank you for this incredible session. I will also be speaking to my children about you, and hopefully when they feel the time is right, you will be the one that I know who will be able to help them heal too, and that they need to meet you before you become famous and out of their reach financially!

Stephanie, 57

I found it emotional and now feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders - I was not aware of this before. I thought your enquiring style was gentle and strong at the same time, so the session has been very effective.

Catherine, 62

Eve has a calm and empathetic manner and I felt safe and comfortable with her from the very first moment. She helped me to recognise what I need to change and that I have the power within myself to make these changes. Through the hypnosis session I very quickly recognised what was causing my blockages and was able to resolve and transform them very quickly thanks to Eve's great and empathetic support.  I feel so much freer and more self-confident and can only recommend Eve to anyone who is ready to change their life quickly and effectively. Thank you so much, dear Eve!

Claudia, 58


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